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Customer does not pick up his amp and stopped communicating

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  • Customer does not pick up his amp and stopped communicating

    Hello folks,

    first time for me. I've got this Ampeg SVT which I repaired 1 month ago. Customer wanted to pick up then, never showed and has not responded to my many calls (voicemail), SMS or emails.

    Is there a time limit by law where I'm allowed to charge storage fee?

    Worst cast, he never shows in the next 1-2 months, am I allowed to sell this amp ?

    Thanks for any infos .
    "Tubes are less likely than semiconductor devices to be destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse produced by nuclear explosions and geomagnetic storms produced by giant solar flares."

  • #2
    See this thread:
    "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

    "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

    "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
    You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz


    • #3
      And... I STILL have the amp here in the shop!!! WTF!?

      Mission Amps
      Denver, CO. 80022


      • #4
        That amp will need new filter caps again by the time it get's picked up. Just send it to me. I'll pay the shipping and recievables on it.
        "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

        "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

        "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
        You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz


        • #5
          Thanks (again) Mr. Chuck H for your prompt and kind support. I will talk to a lawyer and find out the laws in CA. From what I know it is 3 years for unclaimed tangible property before it becomes mine, but I will make sure.

          What I need to find out, too, is how much storage I'm allowed to charge per day after what period of time.

          I will make every customer sign a policy from now on.
          "Tubes are less likely than semiconductor devices to be destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse produced by nuclear explosions and geomagnetic storms produced by giant solar flares."


          • #6
            It does make you wonder what is up.
            -in jail?
            -in rehab?
            -lost there mind & wandering around?
            -captured by little red bikini clad women?
            -joined a Krishna cult?
            I have a Randall Lynch Box 100 sitting here going on 3 months.
            No response.


            • #7
              Funny you mentioned "Lynch" Box because my customer closely works with G.Lynch and George could only help forwarding messages.
              Last edited by kka; 08-31-2012, 06:15 AM.
              "Tubes are less likely than semiconductor devices to be destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse produced by nuclear explosions and geomagnetic storms produced by giant solar flares."


              • #8
                Variegated information indeed, even on the other thread.
                Modern law is based, in any court, on reasonableness.
                'As far as is reasonably practicable' is the maxim used for judgement, even from country to country, that politically correct phrase works.
                Have you been reasonable? Obviously.
                Would it now be reasonable to write (registered post) to your customer, stating that a storage charge has now been applied (this is arbitrary, but again, how much would it cost to put this in storage - do the homework - you must have storage outfits in the states) - and inform him that if he does not pick up the device this will continue to increase.
                Since you have personally prevaricated in terminating, give him six months to pay (plus storage) you and collect the amp, or accept further storage charges by agreement, with immediate payment for work done. Be as concise as possible - this wil be looked for in legal action.
                Finally, if you sell the amp, deduct your fees for repair and storage without impunity, and since you know the guy's address, send him a cheque for the remainder.
                You should include all postal charges, telephone calls, and a selling fee, maybe ebay standard.
                These items do not have to be separate, but reasonable, and in a worst case, he may still be due you money.
                This is how your lawyer manages to extract exhorbitant fees. Take it from one who knows.
                Be concise and reasonable. - Communicate, and look at it from third part eyes - like those of a judge. As long as you state your intent, you are on firm ground.
                PS Bet if you consult your lawyer he tells you exactly what I have said.

