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Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and many repairs in the coming Months. Just remember it is YOU who helps this site be what it is. You are the reason people come here for no BS answers.
Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
It seems to be taking an awefully long time to accept the 'Post Reply' command.
Internet Explorer will not really show that anything is going on, after you click 'reply'.
Now Firefox will show a small cicrcle in the left hand upper corner.
Counter clockwise until it connects, then clockwise.
Yeah mine too and to be honest I doubt it's a browser issue as it seems to be doing it with all of the browsers. Sure tboy will get it sorted out if it's a website issue or some type of freaky glitch.
The double posting problem is inconsistent. I recently did a test by clicking the "post reply" button again while a reply was already being uploaded. That did NOT result in a double post. I'm using Firefox.
Yeah sometimes I noticed when the double post happened to me the browser would hang there for a moment and take a while. That has happened a few times and the behavior of this sometimes results in double posts. However, to combat that I copy my post to clipboard and then submit it. If it hangs I click the stop icon and then refresh. This has (I think) prevented a few double posts for me.
I don't know jack about computers, but I THINK what might be happening is the forum software is trying to post your posts, AND your browser is also trying to post your posts. SOmetimes you get double posts, other times the thing times out, other times it asks you if you want to leave the page, and then find you are being told you have to wait some period of time before posting "again."
I only ever have this problem on this forum, not on any of the others I post in.
Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
I've had the double post problem using Firefox. Forum software asks if you want to leave the page or something, but the post is already there. Seems better today.
"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."
- Yogi Berra
It can change minute to minute. Sometimes my post goes right up. Sometimes it sits there thinking. SOmetimes it asks about leaving the page. But I do see not only the forum software little circling icon, but also the same sort of circling icon from my browser.
Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
You silly guys!
All that's going on here is Enzo padding his number of forum posts.
He currently has a 16,423 post count.
To calculate the real number we divide by 2 to correct for the double posts = 8,212 posts.
Then we need to convert from peak to peak to RMS value.
8,212/2.828 = 2,904 Posts. That's the real number.
Enzo - All kidding aside you sure put a lot of time and effort into helping others on this forum.
It's amazing that you still find the time to run your business.
Last edited by Tom Phillips; 09-15-2012, 01:09 AM.
Reason: Fixed Typo
Don't forget the vector compensation of my current posts lagging my voltage posts... or something.
I am hoping some of my how-to posts have a ripple effect, and filter down to those who need it. I get a charge out of that. Maybe it will rectify some problems.
Peak to peak posts? DOn;t get me started, I might do a single ended post. Beginning but no ending.
Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
Yup this definitely something that interests me to find a fix. It seems that cookies play a big role in post command with PHP scripts that are most definitely used on this site and in conjunction mySQL. Some recommend the "Get" command over the "Post" command in PHP. However, that is in reference to the Quick Reply function...
What my gut is telling me is that the server is getting a bit over loaded at the very second you click submit. At this point it times out! However, the original click generates itself as a new click according to your browser. At this point the server has already posted the post, but your browser does not realize this so the debugger is going on in your browser as it finds a way to terminate a process. As you wait for your browser debugger to sort out the timely error and recover a connection to the server, there is a post that then is committed a second time. As you finally get back on the site you see two posts!!
One fix comes to mind is that any time you use the "Post" calling of form data you create a time honored cookie that holds the data and time stamp of that one post until it is committed to the database. Secondly, that disables the Reply to Thread function. But all these posts are probably not caused by over clicking Reply buttons. So, in essence this is a network controlled problem that happens very infrequently. So, when you post something you can copy your text just in case. Then if the browser takes a long time to commit to the post you can hit stop. That terminates the browser function and then when you hit refresh that will load the calling page again. Every time now that I sense a double post might be occurring I have done this and no doubling has occurred.
It is all about time stamps too! If you prevent a user from posting for a few minutes at one time then that will stop the browser from sending two posts.
I just posted a reply & it took 20 seconds for it to be recognized by the forum software.
This is with a DSL internet connection.
With dial up (cringe) connection it may take longer still.
And if it appears that nothing is happening & you reclick reply, maybe that is what generates a double reply.
Edit: this post shot straight through.
2 seconds.