Well, not instantaneous. this amp has had the 100 + parts shotgun treatment, meaning all outputs and surrounding resistors, bias transistors, dioes and caps, power amp input transistors, diodes and caps. And here's what it does.
I'm monitering the AC input current on a 5 amp scale, and bringing up the input voltage with a variac.
At first all looks normal, with little current draw. I get mayabe 20 volts in and the current begins to rise. It continues to rise as I adjust the input voltage up to about 4 amps. At this point, I bring it up a little more and I hear a relay click, and the current drops down to a low level. I continue to bring up the voltaqge and again the current starts to rise to about 4 amps. I hear another relay click and again the current drops to a low level. I then bring up the input voltage to full voltage. The cureent level stays low for a few seconds. Then the current begins to rise, and within 2 - 3 seconds it's back up to 5 amps. While this is happening, I'm turning the voltage back down.
It's late. I've been at this all day. I'm tired. Call me a bad troubleshooter. I don't care. But if you could throw me a clue I'd appreciate it.
I'm monitering the AC input current on a 5 amp scale, and bringing up the input voltage with a variac.
At first all looks normal, with little current draw. I get mayabe 20 volts in and the current begins to rise. It continues to rise as I adjust the input voltage up to about 4 amps. At this point, I bring it up a little more and I hear a relay click, and the current drops down to a low level. I continue to bring up the voltaqge and again the current starts to rise to about 4 amps. I hear another relay click and again the current drops to a low level. I then bring up the input voltage to full voltage. The cureent level stays low for a few seconds. Then the current begins to rise, and within 2 - 3 seconds it's back up to 5 amps. While this is happening, I'm turning the voltage back down.
It's late. I've been at this all day. I'm tired. Call me a bad troubleshooter. I don't care. But if you could throw me a clue I'd appreciate it.