So this thing came in distorted, even on clean channel. Opened 'er up and found a missing + or - low V rail. Forget which one, as it's back now after I fixed it before. One of the 5w lowV dropping resistors originally had a broken lead. I replaced it and returned it to the customer. In any cases the voltages are good and my previous repair is fine. Now the thing came in distorted again... but voltages all check out good. This time the distortion was even there going into the PA in jack. So I then began to troubleshoot some more and now the thing is working fine.
I cannot get it to act up again. I fear the problem is still there, but not sure how to make it act up again. I've whacked my fist on it, poked around on largish components, power cycled it, fiddled with knobs/jacks etc... sounds fine. Any thoughts?
