I know, you're thinking "Oh great, another 5150 problem"....
I need help diagnosing a problem with my 5150 II. For a while, i've noticed a hum in my lead channel, but recently, it has gotten alot louder. A "hum" really isn't an accurate description. Its more of a rumble, like a jet is flying by overhead. About the same time as this "hum" got really loud, I noticed a drop in volume of my lead channel. Low volumes are the same, but when I want to try to play with a full band I have to crank it up to 5 or 7, I used to be able to play on 4 with a full band.
The rhythm channel is working fine, no noises, no volume problems. Its only on the lead channel. Does this rule out power tubes as a possible problem ?(I hope so, I just replaced the power tubes a few months ago)
I tried easter egging with a brand new preamp tube. When I replaced the v2 preamp tube, I the rumbling was still there, but I noticed a slight improvement. But the volume still wouldn't crank way up. I was told to check the screen grid resistors. After looking at a schematic, I assume these are the resistors just outside of the tube screens... they are labeled R203, 205, 207, 209 with a value of 100W5 (100 ohm, 5w?). Any other suggestions are much appreciated!

I need help diagnosing a problem with my 5150 II. For a while, i've noticed a hum in my lead channel, but recently, it has gotten alot louder. A "hum" really isn't an accurate description. Its more of a rumble, like a jet is flying by overhead. About the same time as this "hum" got really loud, I noticed a drop in volume of my lead channel. Low volumes are the same, but when I want to try to play with a full band I have to crank it up to 5 or 7, I used to be able to play on 4 with a full band.
The rhythm channel is working fine, no noises, no volume problems. Its only on the lead channel. Does this rule out power tubes as a possible problem ?(I hope so, I just replaced the power tubes a few months ago)
I tried easter egging with a brand new preamp tube. When I replaced the v2 preamp tube, I the rumbling was still there, but I noticed a slight improvement. But the volume still wouldn't crank way up. I was told to check the screen grid resistors. After looking at a schematic, I assume these are the resistors just outside of the tube screens... they are labeled R203, 205, 207, 209 with a value of 100W5 (100 ohm, 5w?). Any other suggestions are much appreciated!