Hey all ! Ive gotten a really odd amp in the Egnater Tweaker 15 combo, it has been run for some time in the 4 ohm position, owner didnt know it was a 16 ohm speaker or what the impedance switch did. Anyways it came in making much static on power up and shut down and fluctuating volume.. I found many loose connection tabs and reflowed and tensioned tube sockets it also had one side of the phase inverter tube fried. No obvious signs or burned components..measurement on resistors look ok, I am not really fimiliar with these amps but it looks pretty forward many tone stack voicings the HT fuse dont blow. From what I see its a post loop master vol. could there be a bad coupling cap or resistors ?? causing this. It is a hybrid preamp as it has a couple transistors Q1 & Q2 in the V1 first stage and appear to be for the gain ... V2 is the loop.. If any one has some input I could use some The master vol only makes subtle changes in certian positions... Is this a normal thing for these amps? I have never played or worked on any of these Egnaters before Sorry I do not have a Schematic Ive asked Egnater for one if they are kind enough I will post it.... Any suggestions would be helpful I tested the 1 meg pot it is working properly Ive noticed the hiss, it gets quieter the louder you turn the pot and has more noticible hiss at lower settings. The master volume seems to be the only issue with this amp now and Ive researched it and it is a issue with this amp it seems along with some units burning resistors and bad transformers but most people like them and are happy theirs ... All my measurements dont look to bad no red flags...The master vol uses a series of 3-4 jumpers th the PI board, for the many voicings I gather....Im stumped and thought Id ask for some help Thanks guys sorry for no schemo.. I will post if I get one... Happy Indepentants day America !
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Egnater tweaker 15 combo has lost the master volume, could use some sugestions