I have carfully drained caps...I found a broken 220K that was very hard to see ...I have found a few more resistors that do not read anywhere near what they should.I have ddone my best to insect the amp..I am waiting for some AB resistors to come 220K 56K,820...Also the 1 meg on the normal input jacks read real low...One weird thing is the (2) plate resistors (100k) where they come to a point and make a (V) a 220K come out and goes on to a turret on the edge of the board toward the preamp tubes...Both the normal and Vibrato channel have this...I looked in the Fender Field Amp Guide to see if anyother boards did this,but it did read over to the Other 220K at point X...All the Old Blue caps still read good..I do not know why GW pulled them All..Can someone tell me howto trouble shoot my amp Please...In simple terms,you guys talk like you think,and a layman doesn't under stand,Like the feedback resistor which one it that..I will stop here for now...If you can just tell me what I should do to start checking...Thanks Dab
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Please Help Me Trouble Shoot 64 Bandmaster
In reference to the 220k that goes to the turret (eyelet) toward the preamp tube:
Is it possible that you have misread a 100k/*10M* voltage divider that is associated with the vibrato (tremolo) circuit?
Based on the questions you are asking I really think that your best course of action would be to take Bruce up on his offer in post #81 in the discussion at http://music-electronics-forum.com/t30213-2/ .
No,It is a 220k Look at the chassis layout,where the 2 100k resistors come to a point there is a 220k coming out and going to its own turret,from there I think it goes over to point x..This is why I am asking how do the check to find where it goes and what do I need to read as voltages..I also have 2 other resistors that do not read right...As soon as the other resistors come I will fire the amp up and see if the bas resistors where the problem all along
Originally posted by Tom Phillips View PostBob,
Based on the questions you are asking I really think that your best course of action would be to take Bruce up on his offer in post #81 in the discussion at http://music-electronics-forum.com/t30213-2/ .
How are you measuring these resistors? Are you removing one lead from the circuit or is the resistor being tested left in-circuit while taking a reading? What are the color bands of the 820?
The 220k resistor you said was bad, was that the one you read "zero" on? Or by that, did you mean "infinitity" in that there was no reading?
The 100k resistors that form the V are going to preamp B+ which a lower voltage, 375 volts section of the power supply filter section. The only 220k resistor as mentioned above, goes from the vibrato plate resistor to the high voltage, 440 volts, that also feeds the power output tube screen grids. Does it look like that 220 k resistor has been moved or replaced or are the solder connection original looking?Last edited by km6xz; 08-19-2013, 05:56 AM.
Yes, you have to be careful when measuring components in circuit as you are often seeing the parallel combination of several components, not just the one directly between your probes.
With experience you can recognise which situations allow measurements to be made in circuit, and how to interpret the results, but if you're in any doubt it's best to just lift one end.
Or you might want to simply replace every resistor in the amp. This might be frowned on as "shotgunning", but if some of the resistors have drifted badly, maybe the others won't be far behind. As a bonus it'll force you to check around the wiring and resolder most of the joints."Enzo, I see that you replied parasitic oscillations. Is that a hypothesis? Or is that your amazing metal band I should check out?"
It would be real good to have a layout sheet for your Bandmaster, as well as a schematic. The layout will point out what's supposed to be where, and also show you any "secret" wires strung under the circuit board. Can some kind person point out where DAB can pick up a layout sheet online?
You have some AB resistors on the way, bound to be better than highly drifted resistors you mention in your amp. BUT in recent years I've found many brand new AB's (maybe NOS) to also be drifted out-of-spec. What's a mother to do ? ? ? FWIW Mouser has another brand of half-watt CC's and they tend to be closer to spec, so consider that. They also have the Mallory 150 capacitors which look different now - no blue plastic moulding - but are supposed to be the same "formula" Fender used in their classic amps. I get the 630V rated ones and never a problem. Also if you can't find a layout online, just send me your address & I'll put one in the mail for you.
Feedback resistors - typically an 820 ohm and 100 ohm. You'll see a lead going to the circuit board from one of the output jacks hot lead - follow that and there's your 820. The 100 is at the other end of the 820. You won't read proper values on these because they're shunted by the resistance of the output transformer's secondary winding, near zero ohms. You can lift either end of the 100 ohm and measure their values accurately.This isn't the future I signed up for.
Originally posted by dumbassbob View PostNo,It is a 220k Look at the chassis layout,where the 2 100k resistors come to a point there is a 220k coming out and going to its own turret,from there I think it goes over to point x..
They connect to each tubes 1.5K grid resistor.
Please post the layout that you are refering to.
Is this it?: http://www.turretboards.com/layouts_...763_layout.gif
There are a few different model Bandmasters.
Originally posted by km6xz View PostHow are you measuring these resistors? Are you removing one lead from the circuit or is the resistor being tested left in-circuit while taking a reading? What are the color bands of the 820?
The 220k resistor you said was bad, was that the one you read "zero" on? Or by that, did you mean "infinitity" in that there was no reading?
The 100k resistors that form the V are going to preamp B+ which a lower voltage, 375 volts section of the power supply filter section. The only 220k resistor as mentioned above, goes from the vibrato plate resistor to the high voltage, 440 volts, that also feeds the power output tube screen grids. Does it look like that 220 k resistor has been moved or replaced or are the solder connection original looking?
Originally posted by sgelectric View PostIn reference to the 220k that goes to the turret (eyelet) toward the preamp tube:
Is it possible that you have misread a 100k/*10M* voltage divider that is associated with the vibrato (tremolo) circuit?
Originally posted by Jazz P Bass View PostThere are two 220K resistors on the bias of the 6L6 tubes.
They connect to each tubes 1.5K grid resistor.
Please post the layout that you are refering to.
Is this it?: http://www.turretboards.com/layouts_...763_layout.gif
There are a few different model Bandmasters.