I recently bought a JCM2000 DSL 50 head which was only a few months old.
I've it hooked up to a 4x12 cab. Everything was fine for a while but over the last month or so when I switch the amp on from stand-by, after a few seconds i'm getting a type of hi pitched squealing that lasts for several seconds and then goes away. Sometimes it comes back again after another few seconds and cuts out again. On a few occassions when the amp was in "squeal mode" i removed everything except the speaker lead so it's not coming from the input or effects loop. After these initial few seconds/minute of problems, the amp works fine so it appears to be ok when it's warmed up a bit outside of standby mode. My first reaction is to open it up and check for dry joints, reseat tubes etc, but if anybody on here has seen this problem before and tracked it down to a specific cause then it would save me a lot of time. I've a gig tomorrow night and I'm starting to worry that the amp will fall over mid-set.
I recently bought a JCM2000 DSL 50 head which was only a few months old.
I've it hooked up to a 4x12 cab. Everything was fine for a while but over the last month or so when I switch the amp on from stand-by, after a few seconds i'm getting a type of hi pitched squealing that lasts for several seconds and then goes away. Sometimes it comes back again after another few seconds and cuts out again. On a few occassions when the amp was in "squeal mode" i removed everything except the speaker lead so it's not coming from the input or effects loop. After these initial few seconds/minute of problems, the amp works fine so it appears to be ok when it's warmed up a bit outside of standby mode. My first reaction is to open it up and check for dry joints, reseat tubes etc, but if anybody on here has seen this problem before and tracked it down to a specific cause then it would save me a lot of time. I've a gig tomorrow night and I'm starting to worry that the amp will fall over mid-set.