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Deluxe AB763 buss bar grounding

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  • #31
    my chasis is thick and soldering 6v6 cathodes diectly to chasis with my soldering gun is impossible at the moment.


    • #32
      I meant soldering Power tube sockets to chasis


      • #33
        Originally posted by 7xa12 View Post
        I meant soldering Power tube sockets to chasis
        ?? Not sure what you mean. The sockets are not soldered to the chassis. Are you referring to one of the connections, i.e. the cathodes you mention in the previous post?
        "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."
        - Yogi Berra


        • #34
          I meant power tubes (pins nr 8) I have them connected to the transformer bolt at the moment.


          • #35
            That's fine, leave them connected there. (Assuming you have the HV CT there too, and the first filter cap ground)
            "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."
            - Yogi Berra


            • #36
              just pins nr 8


              • #37
                just pins nr 8


                • #38
                  yes thanks, I have them there.


                  • #39
                    Yes thanks I have them there


                    • #40
                      sorry for double posting
                      I have them connected ilike you said. and of course there is no reason for soldering sockets to chasis.


                      • #41
                        Just noticed this thread. My AB763 builds (DR and VV) are very quiet but Randall, I like your bus grounding and while it is no different electrically than mine, the physical execution is much better looking. Thank you for posting it.
                        ..Joe L


                        • #42
                          Thanks Joe L. Being maybe a little OCD does have it's advantages!
                          It's weird, because it WAS working fine.....


                          • #43
                            Some more examples of re-issue re-builds:

                            Classic Re-issue Re-builds
                            "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."
                            - Yogi Berra


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Joe L View Post
                              Just noticed this thread. My AB763 builds (DR and VV) are very quiet but Randall, I like your bus grounding and while it is no different electrically than mine, the physical execution is much better looking. Thank you for posting it.
                              Looks alot like those Soldano ground busses you posted in the photos you did Joe.

                              I used a solid piece of copper for mine but it doesn't look that good ! Mine is pretty quiet also and sounds good.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Amp Kat View Post
                                Looks alot like those Soldano ground busses you posted in the photos you did Joe.

                                I used a solid piece of copper for mine but it doesn't look that good ! Mine is pretty quiet also and sounds good.
                                Yes, it is very close Kat! I figure if the SLO is quiet with its scheme, the AB763 would have to be whisper quiet and the two that I have done are so. All I do is wire some bus wire to the northern most transformer bolt and run all my preamp and reverb grounds to it. I insulate the inputs and Reverb jacks and ground them to the bus wire. All the high current stuff on the south end of the chassis is wired like Leo did it. It's not really complicated. Of course, the really important connection is the primary filter cap(s) which ground to the southern PT transformer bolt along with the PT HV CT.

                                At some point, I will clean up my AB763 builds and post pictures but you know how that goes. They are dead quiet at full volume and it is a lot more fun to just play them.
                                ..Joe L

