I've got a Seymour Duncan discontinued (4x EL84's) amp here
and the o/p transformer is shorted on one side.
http://www.seymourduncan.com/images/84_40.pdf (595kb)
Having disconected it and a temp replacement hooked it
I' ve discovered over 700volts dc on the c/t..
Now I know it has a voltage doubler cct in the psu but this seems very
high considering the HT starts life as aprox 260v ac ..
The schematic is a little hard to read as broken into 2 parts but below the
o/p transformer shows 550volts (Bit high for EL34's) ht input but doesn't
show that point on the psu schematic but i presume its prior to R62.
I'm putting it to one side at the moment as i have a mental block to
how this can occur ..apart from some kinda double fault in the psu.
All food for thought appreciated while enduring my momentary lapse of reason..
I've got a Seymour Duncan discontinued (4x EL84's) amp here
and the o/p transformer is shorted on one side.
http://www.seymourduncan.com/images/84_40.pdf (595kb)
Having disconected it and a temp replacement hooked it
I' ve discovered over 700volts dc on the c/t..
Now I know it has a voltage doubler cct in the psu but this seems very
high considering the HT starts life as aprox 260v ac ..
The schematic is a little hard to read as broken into 2 parts but below the
o/p transformer shows 550volts (Bit high for EL34's) ht input but doesn't
show that point on the psu schematic but i presume its prior to R62.
I'm putting it to one side at the moment as i have a mental block to
how this can occur ..apart from some kinda double fault in the psu.
All food for thought appreciated while enduring my momentary lapse of reason..