I recently purchased a used, broken Univox 1051 tube head. The schematic is here: http://www.univox.org/pics/schematics/u1050b.gif This is my first tube amp and I am not very knowledgable. Its a 3 12AX7 and 4 6L6GC design.
I spent ~US100 for the amp head, and just got it back from the shop with another $120 to rewind the output transformer, change out 2 of the 3 12AX7 preamp tubes, and replace a burnt out resistor (I don't know which one it was). The guys who did the repair were from a general purpose electronics shop in Bahrain (the best I could do). They tested it by hooking up a raw speaker and feeding a cd player through it and smilled and said - 'see it works'.
Well, needless to say I brought it home (to Saudi Arabia where I am currently stationed), plugged in my bass and found some more serious problems
1) Intermittant crackles
2) A horrendous feedback loop if I play anything from a c# to f. The sounds keeps going even if I unplug my bass. At low volumes the feedback is brief, at higher volumes I have to shut off the amp to stop the feedback.
The current 6L6GC's are from Radio Shack, probably from the 1970s. I have 2 spares from the same supplier and same vintage. Replacing and shifting around the tubes has no effect on the feedback. I also replaced all of the 12AX7 's with new tubes I had laying around from other amps.
Any ideas what might be wrong?
Should I just write this off as a bad $250 investment and not throw any more money at it? I don't know if I can find a qalified amp technician in this neck of the woods, although there is a Marshall repair shop in Riyadh, I don;t know if they'd accept this amp fo repairs and I have friends with horror stories of repairs they have done before.
I don't think this will be a great bass amp when it is fixed anyway, even at low volumes it didn't sound as good as my Eden head...
I may be able to borrow a quad set of 6L6GC's from a friend to do some testing.
Spending Foolishly,
I spent ~US100 for the amp head, and just got it back from the shop with another $120 to rewind the output transformer, change out 2 of the 3 12AX7 preamp tubes, and replace a burnt out resistor (I don't know which one it was). The guys who did the repair were from a general purpose electronics shop in Bahrain (the best I could do). They tested it by hooking up a raw speaker and feeding a cd player through it and smilled and said - 'see it works'.
Well, needless to say I brought it home (to Saudi Arabia where I am currently stationed), plugged in my bass and found some more serious problems
1) Intermittant crackles
2) A horrendous feedback loop if I play anything from a c# to f. The sounds keeps going even if I unplug my bass. At low volumes the feedback is brief, at higher volumes I have to shut off the amp to stop the feedback.
The current 6L6GC's are from Radio Shack, probably from the 1970s. I have 2 spares from the same supplier and same vintage. Replacing and shifting around the tubes has no effect on the feedback. I also replaced all of the 12AX7 's with new tubes I had laying around from other amps.
Any ideas what might be wrong?
Should I just write this off as a bad $250 investment and not throw any more money at it? I don't know if I can find a qalified amp technician in this neck of the woods, although there is a Marshall repair shop in Riyadh, I don;t know if they'd accept this amp fo repairs and I have friends with horror stories of repairs they have done before.
I don't think this will be a great bass amp when it is fixed anyway, even at low volumes it didn't sound as good as my Eden head...
I may be able to borrow a quad set of 6L6GC's from a friend to do some testing.
Spending Foolishly,