Test all transistors, diodes, caps, resistors etc etc... I would be looking at the transistors first then test the diodes. Do you know how to test diodes with your meter? Look at that bias pot VR1 test from leg 1 to 3 to see check the resistance. I would not make any turns on the pot, but need to make sure it is not open. Basically take a lot of care to inspect each component in the power amp circuit before we power it up again with the light bulb limiter. Good news is that the bulb did go dim, so I feel your getting close. I remember a time I replaced a bunch of output transistors in a power amp and powered it up with a light bulb limiter only to see it shining bright. In that case I went back and started to test a bunch of parts with my meter. I found an open diode and that solved all my problems. In this case I am pretty sure (hoping) you looked all over the power amp circuit already for any open components? My gut says that you did and now we might be looking for a smaller harder to find problem.
BTW once you do the thorough tests of all the components then I personally would feel better about testing voltages with the light bulb limiter connected, but thats just me.
BTW once you do the thorough tests of all the components then I personally would feel better about testing voltages with the light bulb limiter connected, but thats just me.