I have the on/off popping noise, I under stand that it is just amplifying the spark from the switching to off position.
The problem is that I was playing and I had a volume loss and a loud popping and crackling. I thought it was a bad cord, so I kicked them around.
Upon disconecting everything from the amp, it popped on its own, leaning it over I tapped on the reverb tank lightly, and the popping continued, not the reverb sound.
Could this be just a loose tube, or a bad wire leading to the reverb tank? It happens at random, and no sound comes, then it comes back, with signifigant volume loss.
The problem is that I was playing and I had a volume loss and a loud popping and crackling. I thought it was a bad cord, so I kicked them around.
Upon disconecting everything from the amp, it popped on its own, leaning it over I tapped on the reverb tank lightly, and the popping continued, not the reverb sound.
Could this be just a loose tube, or a bad wire leading to the reverb tank? It happens at random, and no sound comes, then it comes back, with signifigant volume loss.