I just finished building a HIWATT DR103 amp from Tilo Zotolla's book and I am having trouble understanding what to do about the bias resistor. The voltage reading I got with my multimeter on pin 5 of each EL34 socket is -58 which is much more (or is it less negative?) than the desired -41 which Mr. Zotolla says is optimum. As it is now, the amp will not put out a clean signal (crossover distortion). From my research, I gather this is because of the incorrect bias. In the book, Mr. Zotolla says to increase or decrease this 1000 ohm resistor (which is soldered across the 2 positive posts of the cap) in order to obtain the desired bias. Does anyone know if this resistor value should be increased or decreased? And by how much? Could a potentiometer be wired here in place of this 1000 ohm resistor in order to be able to adjust the bias? Also, this is the third amp I have built, but I am still a total amateur...so I am a little worried about touching this cap to change the resistor. I am only 35 and married (with a 15 month old baby) and do not wish to be shocked to death just yet. A separate problem I am having with the amp is none of the tone pots work. Only the normal volume and master volume pots are working. The bright pot makes a weird low sound when turned, but this channel doesn't seem to want to function either. Any suggestions? THANKS!!!
I just finished building a HIWATT DR103 amp from Tilo Zotolla's book and I am having trouble understanding what to do about the bias resistor. The voltage reading I got with my multimeter on pin 5 of each EL34 socket is -58 which is much more (or is it less negative?) than the desired -41 which Mr. Zotolla says is optimum. As it is now, the amp will not put out a clean signal (crossover distortion). From my research, I gather this is because of the incorrect bias. In the book, Mr. Zotolla says to increase or decrease this 1000 ohm resistor (which is soldered across the 2 positive posts of the cap) in order to obtain the desired bias. Does anyone know if this resistor value should be increased or decreased? And by how much? Could a potentiometer be wired here in place of this 1000 ohm resistor in order to be able to adjust the bias? Also, this is the third amp I have built, but I am still a total amateur...so I am a little worried about touching this cap to change the resistor. I am only 35 and married (with a 15 month old baby) and do not wish to be shocked to death just yet. A separate problem I am having with the amp is none of the tone pots work. Only the normal volume and master volume pots are working. The bright pot makes a weird low sound when turned, but this channel doesn't seem to want to function either. Any suggestions? THANKS!!!
