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Is this possible?

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  • Is this possible?

    Pretty sure it's not, but I have to ask. I recently got my homebrew sounding great thanks to some advice here and one of the changes i was very happy about was the top end sounded much rounder and lost any trace of fizz. In the last few days 2 things happened and i'm wondering if they are related. I noticed my impedance knob had slipped on the shaft and what looked like 8 ohm was actually on 16 and what looked to be 4 was actually 8. I have been going back and fourth between el34 and 6v6 so i'd been switching from 8 to 4 (or so i thought with the knob having slipped) as i tried the different tubes, using what i thought was the 4 ohm tap for the 6v6. I don't know how long the knob has been like that so i'm not sure how much playing time i had using the wrong tap.

    The other thing i noticed is my tone seems to have changed to where that fizz on the top end is even worse than before i did this tweak i was advised to try. So my question is, is there any way this could have done something to the OT to cause this tonal change? I am acutely aware of tonal changes that occur naturally from day to day for any number of reasons we don't fully understand, but this seems well beyond that kind of change.

  • #2
    The OT is a hunk of iron with wire wrapped around it. Setting the impedance knob "wrong" is not hardly going to harm it.

    Perhaps now the combinations of impedance settings and tubes used is not the same as when you thought it sounded good. So try one set of tubes at each impedance setting and see what sounds best, then do it again with the other tubes, making sure you know which settings you are REALLY on.

    It is also possible some of your fizz is due to the electrical environment there, something may have changed there, and only coincidentally at the same time as your impedance slip.
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #3
      I figured, but i couldn't see what might have caused this. I tried different tubes and i can't imagine what else it could be unless like you say something in the house. Heres another thing i just noticed has changed. NFB is a 47k in series with a no load 250k pot whose trace i cut right at the end of travel. So when i have it set for minimum NFB, another bit to the end of the pots travel cuts to NFB completely. Before you'd hear a little pop as it went to no NFB or visa versa and the difference in tone was pretty minimal. Now it is considerably different. It's as to instead of going from no NFB to 300k it's going from none to say 100k. It's a serious drop in volume and clarity. Now THATS bizarre. I gotta say, electronics has presented me with more head scratching moments that everything else in life, even woman ! LOL! Seriously tho....these WTF? moments are never ending.
      Last edited by daz; 01-10-2014, 01:02 AM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by daz View Post
        I gotta say, electronics has presented me with more head scratching moments that everything else in like, even woman !
        Electronic troubleshooting, despite its occasional complexities, is always methodical and logical. Women, on the other hand............
        "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


        • #5
          As Norm Peterson once said:

          "Women, can't live with them, pass the Beer Nuts."
          Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.

