Got an Ampeg V4/V22 on the bench. Came in with bad power tube so replaced tubes and a bad Screen supply resistor (R55). Filter caps for CT and screens are new. Bias looks good, voltages look good in PA and PI. Hum balance pot DOES work and is set at minimum hum setting. There is a decent amount of hum... more than I believe to be normal. When I pull the PI it goes ALMOST completely away. I then put the PI (V4) back in and removed V3 but hum remained. So I've narrowed it down to the PI stage. Ok, so I then disconnect the PI-PA coupling caps C11/13 one by one. Hum remained. Tried a new 12au7 for PI - HUM.
I am stuck. I also subbed in a new filter cap for the PI - hum remained.