Well it would figure I guess. EL844's are lower power and lower current tubes. The crossover notch is huge. I told the guy I'd make the bias adjustable, but I'm finding that is not so easy on this amp. Since there is no grounding resistor used in the bias circuit (page 3), a series resistor between the 33k and the two 330k resistors going to the grids has little effect. At the junction of the 33k and the 15k again referencing the bias circuit on page 3), I get about -15v, which leads me to believe the +2.3volts at the cathodes of the phase inverter (page 6) is basically dependent on the PI tube itself. That leaves changing the 120k resistor to a higher value. Does anybody out there have any experience with this type of biasing arrangement that could throw me a clue as to a good way to go with this? I have a feeling changing the 120k will do it but I'd like some feedback if possible. Thank you very much in advance.