I recently picked up one of these from a guy who let it sit in his garage forever. It wasn't in as bad a shape as I thought, and I cleaned it up pretty well. after retubing and testing much of the circuit, I'm left with two things. One, the cover for the back of the electronics cavity and tube area is missing. I believe it is Part 036115 on the attached manual. There is also a ground that is bolted to the chassis that i believe would have gone into flashing on the back inside of the missing cavity cover. Can anybody confirm this? Also, since that back piece is missing and I cannot seem to find online, If I cut out a new piece of wood to fit it, could I glue aluminum foil to the inside of it and ground it with that wire? Please let me know and thank you for your time. I looked through as many other forums as I could on here for the Bassman, but could not find exactly what I was looking for.