An auspicious event approaches; I finally found a broken XXX on Clist! This unit will represent the 5th Peavey amp I have purchased non-functional for a pretty reasonable price. The list is as follows:
Peavey Bravo 112 $50 with burned internal fuse- fixed and raging
Peavey 5150 Sig head $200 with destroyed PA board -resurrection in progress
Peavey 6505+ head $300 with bad Q7 transistor-resurrection in progress
Peavey Ultra 120 head $100 with bad tubes- fixed and raging
My only working amp purchase ;
Peavey Ultra+ 212 60w $200-modded and raging
Guys wants $100 for quiescent XXX which is great because I was going to trade (fixed) 5150 or 6505+ straight across for a working XXX; I think its the best amp for me. My total bill will be under $1000... less than one 6505+ new at GC and hours and hours of fixing fun..
Peavey Bravo 112 $50 with burned internal fuse- fixed and raging
Peavey 5150 Sig head $200 with destroyed PA board -resurrection in progress
Peavey 6505+ head $300 with bad Q7 transistor-resurrection in progress
Peavey Ultra 120 head $100 with bad tubes- fixed and raging
My only working amp purchase ;
Peavey Ultra+ 212 60w $200-modded and raging
Guys wants $100 for quiescent XXX which is great because I was going to trade (fixed) 5150 or 6505+ straight across for a working XXX; I think its the best amp for me. My total bill will be under $1000... less than one 6505+ new at GC and hours and hours of fixing fun..