I have been doing preventative maintenance on the Ampeg SVT-CL, SVT-AV & SVT-VR bass amps in the rental inventory where my shop is located, restoring them to solid operational status, where some hadn’t been into the shop for a few years. Within those amps (having the traditional loose hardware, lots of solder joint fractures, noisy tubes, noisy pots, broken jacks, etc), I again come upon some that have one or two 6550 power tubes whose plate current is significantly off with respect to the remainder of output tubes. With 24mA being typical @ idle, +/- 3mA, those tube that are sitting at 14mA or 29mA, I’ll first try juggling the tubes to see if I can re-balance them.
Usually it’s a loosing battle, so I’ll often dig into my collection of pulls accumulated over the years, trying to stay with the same mfgr’s tubes installed (Sovtek, JJ/Tesla, Svetlana). Today’s battle was with an SVT-AV that hadn’t been serviced since May 2010. After restoring all the mechanical issues, I put the amp back together, but without the hold-down clamps.
As it was a working amp, I numbered the power tubes as a starting point, then powered it up, and measured the plate/screen current thru each of the 10 ohm cathode resistors, with the amp standing up vertically on it’s Pwr XFMR side, aided by a support block under the XFMR. The power tubes were Sovtek 6550we’s.
After juggling the tubes around and a little re-adjustment of the bias pots, I still wasn’t able to deal with V1 and V2. So I tried all the other Sovtek 6550we’s I had on hand, but didn’t find anything even close. I found a Sovtek branded by Groove Tube/Fender, and a Svetlana 6550 Winged C that balanced out, after some further bias adjustment:
V1........22.6mA...Groove Tube
I let this idle for about an hour, came back to see what I had, and then made DC and AC current measurements at idle, 50W, 100W & 200W into 4 ohms, to see what the current balance looked like under 400Hz Sine Wave drive. Also had the scope looking at the output as well as across the cathode resistors.

First DMM measurement photo shows idle current for V1 power tube @ 120VAC/60Hz/235W AC mains volts/power. Then, the DMM shows DC current and AC current for V1 at 200W/4 ohm output power. The numbers in the chart below are the Fluke 8060A readings across the 10 ohm 1% cathode resistors of the output stage. The scope images shows the Amber 3501a Monitor Output and the voltage across the cathode resistors for V1 & V5. Power Analyzer shows AC Mains current/voltage/power draw for 200W/4 ohm load. Resistive load bank next to the power analyzer.
-----------------------------50W/4 ohm------------100W/4 ohm---------200W/4 ohm
Tube....DCI, Idle.. Brand.........DC I..........ACI........... DCI........... ACI.........DCI............ACI
V1.......23.1mA....GT/Fender..55.1mA.......62.2mA......77.7mA......92.5mA....1 12mA........138mA
V2.......23.2mA....Svetlana.... 65.1mA...... 75.0mA.......90.8mA.....108mA.....128mA........155mA
V3.......24.9mA....Sovtek.......62.0mA......70.1mA...... 85.8mA...... 101mA.....120mA........145mA
V4.......23.9mA....Sovtek.......60.1mA......69.6mA...... 83.7mA...... 101mA.....118mA........145mA
V5.......25.5mA....Sovtek.......57.0mA......64.5mA...... 80.0mA...... 95.6mA....112mA........137mA
V6.......22.5mA....Sovtek.......58.7mA......68.0mA...... 81.9mA...... 99.1mA....116mA........144mA
The SVT-CL or -AV actually makes a decent test fixture for measuring 6550 or KT-88 power tubes in pairs. I'll usually set the bias controls up for 24mA per tube using V2 & V5 tube positions. The Bias LED's won't work, but the amp will run. Then, installing the other tubes, one pair at a time being tested can be grouped based on the voltage reading across the cathode resistor (10 ohm 3W 1%).
As you can see, the current distribution under drive varies a lot greater than at idle. These tubes installed (the Sovtek's) are at least 4 yrs old. I haven't run the same data on a new sextet, but will get to that soon.
Usually it’s a loosing battle, so I’ll often dig into my collection of pulls accumulated over the years, trying to stay with the same mfgr’s tubes installed (Sovtek, JJ/Tesla, Svetlana). Today’s battle was with an SVT-AV that hadn’t been serviced since May 2010. After restoring all the mechanical issues, I put the amp back together, but without the hold-down clamps.
As it was a working amp, I numbered the power tubes as a starting point, then powered it up, and measured the plate/screen current thru each of the 10 ohm cathode resistors, with the amp standing up vertically on it’s Pwr XFMR side, aided by a support block under the XFMR. The power tubes were Sovtek 6550we’s.
After juggling the tubes around and a little re-adjustment of the bias pots, I still wasn’t able to deal with V1 and V2. So I tried all the other Sovtek 6550we’s I had on hand, but didn’t find anything even close. I found a Sovtek branded by Groove Tube/Fender, and a Svetlana 6550 Winged C that balanced out, after some further bias adjustment:
V1........22.6mA...Groove Tube
I let this idle for about an hour, came back to see what I had, and then made DC and AC current measurements at idle, 50W, 100W & 200W into 4 ohms, to see what the current balance looked like under 400Hz Sine Wave drive. Also had the scope looking at the output as well as across the cathode resistors.
First DMM measurement photo shows idle current for V1 power tube @ 120VAC/60Hz/235W AC mains volts/power. Then, the DMM shows DC current and AC current for V1 at 200W/4 ohm output power. The numbers in the chart below are the Fluke 8060A readings across the 10 ohm 1% cathode resistors of the output stage. The scope images shows the Amber 3501a Monitor Output and the voltage across the cathode resistors for V1 & V5. Power Analyzer shows AC Mains current/voltage/power draw for 200W/4 ohm load. Resistive load bank next to the power analyzer.
-----------------------------50W/4 ohm------------100W/4 ohm---------200W/4 ohm
Tube....DCI, Idle.. Brand.........DC I..........ACI........... DCI........... ACI.........DCI............ACI
V1.......23.1mA....GT/Fender..55.1mA.......62.2mA......77.7mA......92.5mA....1 12mA........138mA
V2.......23.2mA....Svetlana.... 65.1mA...... 75.0mA.......90.8mA.....108mA.....128mA........155mA
V3.......24.9mA....Sovtek.......62.0mA......70.1mA...... 85.8mA...... 101mA.....120mA........145mA
V4.......23.9mA....Sovtek.......60.1mA......69.6mA...... 83.7mA...... 101mA.....118mA........145mA
V5.......25.5mA....Sovtek.......57.0mA......64.5mA...... 80.0mA...... 95.6mA....112mA........137mA
V6.......22.5mA....Sovtek.......58.7mA......68.0mA...... 81.9mA...... 99.1mA....116mA........144mA
The SVT-CL or -AV actually makes a decent test fixture for measuring 6550 or KT-88 power tubes in pairs. I'll usually set the bias controls up for 24mA per tube using V2 & V5 tube positions. The Bias LED's won't work, but the amp will run. Then, installing the other tubes, one pair at a time being tested can be grouped based on the voltage reading across the cathode resistor (10 ohm 3W 1%).
As you can see, the current distribution under drive varies a lot greater than at idle. These tubes installed (the Sovtek's) are at least 4 yrs old. I haven't run the same data on a new sextet, but will get to that soon.