Disconnect the speaker until you have this thing sorted out.
Did you verify that the gate diodes sre good (D8,9,10 & 20)?
You have to get a firmer grip on how this output section operates.
U3B is drives Q7 & Q8 by putting a sine wave on both emitters when it is tasked with having to amplify an instrument signal.
Q7 acts on the upper half of the sine wave & Q8 operates on the lower half.
By touching the emitter, you are basically telling the transistor to turn on.
Disconnect the speaker until you have this thing sorted out.
Did you verify that the gate diodes sre good (D8,9,10 & 20)?
You have to get a firmer grip on how this output section operates.
U3B is drives Q7 & Q8 by putting a sine wave on both emitters when it is tasked with having to amplify an instrument signal.
Q7 acts on the upper half of the sine wave & Q8 operates on the lower half.
By touching the emitter, you are basically telling the transistor to turn on.