Hello, this is my first post. I have a sovtek mig 50, aka tube midget. It is making a lot of static noise. The noise is present when the guitar is plugged in or unplugged. The static does make the guitar signal cut in and out. It tends to be worse as I increase the gain. I did the tap test on the tubes to check if they have gone monophonic, there was no excessive noise. Also the power tubes do not seem to be glowing abnormally bright. When I bought the amp a number of years ago the seller mentioned that the caps were going bad. He did not specify which cap he thought were going bad. I have posted a link to a video I made of the noise. It was with my cell phone, so I hope the quality is enough to help. I have built a number of effects pedals and have done some minor repairs on amps in the past. I would love to save a few dollars and fix the amp myself. Thanks for any help.