I rebuilt a BF Bassman into the preamp circuit below (Bass channel is a tweeked-for-guitar version of the 6G6-B circuit...Normal channel is just Normal BF Fender without reverb/tremolo) with a 'typical' BF Fender PI and power amp (there is a 220K resistor to ground just before the PI input cap not shown in that schematic).
When I 'scope the amp, the waveform at the grid of V2B (third stage of Bass channel) shifts when played hard or loud-ish notes are picked...then the waveform slowly returns to it's original position on the screen (I can't remember if it shifts up or down). The amp can sound pretty darn clean when this is happening. It doesn't really happen at all at really low volumes...happens to some degree at pristine clean settings...happens quite a bit when the amp is on the verge of breakup and just gets worse as I increase the volume. This channel has about the same amount of gain as the Normal channel btw. This is some sort of dc shift...correct? Is it most likely that the grid is pulling current? If so, why would this grid pull current where the grid of the second gain stage of the Normal channel doesn't? Or could it be a leaky cap? I used Solen fast caps in this amp. If the amp sounds good should I even worry about it? Doesn't sound that good cranked but I only intend to use it for sparkley clean tones...which btw at anything but quite loud volumes this channel actually does the BF thing better than the BF Normal channel (more twangy/spanky but still very similar...surprisingly to me). Thanks for any help.
When I 'scope the amp, the waveform at the grid of V2B (third stage of Bass channel) shifts when played hard or loud-ish notes are picked...then the waveform slowly returns to it's original position on the screen (I can't remember if it shifts up or down). The amp can sound pretty darn clean when this is happening. It doesn't really happen at all at really low volumes...happens to some degree at pristine clean settings...happens quite a bit when the amp is on the verge of breakup and just gets worse as I increase the volume. This channel has about the same amount of gain as the Normal channel btw. This is some sort of dc shift...correct? Is it most likely that the grid is pulling current? If so, why would this grid pull current where the grid of the second gain stage of the Normal channel doesn't? Or could it be a leaky cap? I used Solen fast caps in this amp. If the amp sounds good should I even worry about it? Doesn't sound that good cranked but I only intend to use it for sparkley clean tones...which btw at anything but quite loud volumes this channel actually does the BF thing better than the BF Normal channel (more twangy/spanky but still very similar...surprisingly to me). Thanks for any help.