As a last ditch effort to anyone that believes i should leave well enough alone
But you don't like its sensitivity , as Factory set.
Cool, then let's not repair but *MOD* it.
a) replace R12 from 22k to 47k
b) replace 50k lin P1 by 25k lin
c) replace 10k R67 by 22k or 47k, depending on desired chili heat
d) add a 4700pF cap in parallel with R65 to make that input worth using by an active Bass. Ceramic is fine.
e) replace R36 by 220k and set rotary selector switch to that position.
Apply these one by one, all at once may turn this Ampeg into a Bass amp as hot as a Fahey, not kidding, so do it only until satisfied with your Bass sound and sensitivity.
Too much and your Bass may distort or hiss may become objectionable.