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Parts for a Peavey 212 SF?

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  • Parts for a Peavey 212 SF?

    I have one of these on the bench (ca. 1980), all solid state except 6L6 outputs. Three of the pots are shot beyond 'spray cleaner salvation' and two are oddballs. All look like CTS. One is a normal dual 10k linear. One is a single 50k lin, but with long end solder tabs that turn 90 degrees inward about 1.2cm to connect to the PCB (the center tab is normal PCB length). I could 'hillbilly wire' that one. The third is the kicker: dual pot, one section is 10k and the other is 1k (pot legend: P1K R10K). Any suggestions? seems useless, only link is 'find an authorized service center.'

  • #2
    When you need something from a company like Peavey, who has made thousands of models, and especially wanting a part for a 35 year old amp, don't expect it to be on their web site. They have tens of thousands of parts or more. They may well not have your old part any longer. They keep parts far longer than most companies, but 35 years is a long time. Imagine walking into a Ford dealer and expecting to find a 1980 water pump on the shelf.

    The thing to do is CALL the parts department there and ask if they have them. A dual value pot like that will be tough. It certainly was a custom part.

    212SF? What is the model name of your amp. Is the part number on your schematic? Is the part number on your pot? I assume you know they are CTS from the 137 code, so is there also a number similar to 71190504? That is their part number.

    Even if they don't, one of us might have ssuch a part in stock. I have several drawers of old PV pots. (and other brands too)
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #3
      I believe 212SF is the Classic VTX.
      Saturation pot is 1k/10k, 71190420
      Last edited by g1; 05-03-2015, 06:09 PM.
      Originally posted by Enzo
      I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


      • #4
        Never heard one referred to as an SF before.
        Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


        • #5
          Thanks guys, yes, Classic VTX. The Model # is 212 SF, I should have expanded that title.

          I wasn't complaining about the part not being on the web site (which surely would be ridiculous), but rather I could find no link at all to contact info for parts or service. The only thing up there is 'locate an auth. service center'.


          • #6
            Here's parts contact number:
            Originally posted by Enzo
            I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


            • #7
              I contacted Peavey (thanks g1), but these are no longer available. Not that I blame them, considering how old the amp is...

              Anyway, does anyone else know of a dual 10k+1k pot available anywhere? I guess I could get a dual 10k and bridge one with a 1k1 resistor, but I'm not sure how the taper would be.


              • #8
                That is the saturation pot. Does the taper really matter that much? Try the parallel resistor and see. Even if it doesn't track exactly as before, as long as you can rotate the knb and get a good useful range out of it, that ought to work. And if taper winds up mattering more than I think, then instead of a simple parallel resistor to set the entire value, use separate resistors from wiper to each end. RG has some nice explanations in his secret life of pots over at his Geofex site.

                And no, I don't have that part in my old stock.
                Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


                • #9
                  Good point. This amp is new to the guy who brought it to me, so he's not used to any kind of behavior yet. :-)


