Was given a laney dp100 bass amp yesterday. It had tin foil on all the fuses which I removed and put in proper fuses. R28 and r29 would get really hot to the touch. So I pulled the output transistors TS8 and TS10 and tested them they test good. left them out for now. Pulled TS3(tip31c) tested good. But R10 and R13 are burnt to a crisp . With these transistors pulled I am not getting heat. And realize I'm aimlessly wandering. And would like some assistance. Off the Bridge rectifier I'm getting 45.6 and -45.6v . I've contacted Laney for official schematic for power and pre, but have found this schem of the power section which doesn't list voltages. amplifiers head combo drawings/LANEY/DP100-DP150[pict] - schemes drawings schematics | GuitarElectric.eu
Thanks, nosaj
Thanks, nosaj