No, the corrupt files can't be removed. Actually they don't exist which is the whole problem. They were lost and all that remains are "markers" or "placeholders" for the files. The marker will only have 2 pieces of information, file type and file size (ex. pdf, 74519 bytes). If you repost a file that matches those 2 items, it will not work. The file name does not matter. It seems bizarre to me that no 2 files of same type would ever have the same number of bytes, but this seems to be the case.
Anyway, if the original file does not work, it can't be reposted unless it's size is changed, or it's posted as a different type, such as zip.
Anyway, if the original file does not work, it can't be reposted unless it's size is changed, or it's posted as a different type, such as zip.