Has anyone else ever checked for grid voltage in standby? I wonder whether it's normal; there will be an electron cloud hanging around the hot cathode and some will likely find their way to the grid, sending it negative.
Don't have an amp with standby handy at the moment.
Regarding the grid voltage /scratchy guitar pot when operational, I wonder if the amp is oscillating; have you scoped it, if no scope, does a 12AY7 in V1, or ~220pF caps from 1st stage plates to 0V, stop it?
Bear in mind that the 5E3 was intended for a 12AY7. The 12AX7 is rather higher gain. Two 12AX7 sections set up for high gain, in cascade, with no inter-stage attenuation / tube base grid stoppers, will likely oscillate.
The gain will be ~3600 well into ultrasonics; with the input grid in the same polarity as the 2nd stage plate and in close proximity, wiring capacitances will easily form a positive feedback loop sufficient for oscillation, very good lead dress is needed to avoid it.
Don't have an amp with standby handy at the moment.
Regarding the grid voltage /scratchy guitar pot when operational, I wonder if the amp is oscillating; have you scoped it, if no scope, does a 12AY7 in V1, or ~220pF caps from 1st stage plates to 0V, stop it?
Bear in mind that the 5E3 was intended for a 12AY7. The 12AX7 is rather higher gain. Two 12AX7 sections set up for high gain, in cascade, with no inter-stage attenuation / tube base grid stoppers, will likely oscillate.
The gain will be ~3600 well into ultrasonics; with the input grid in the same polarity as the 2nd stage plate and in close proximity, wiring capacitances will easily form a positive feedback loop sufficient for oscillation, very good lead dress is needed to avoid it.