AC568 scheme.
I just got done changing all the caps in the doghouse and the bias capacitor. I'm still getting a weak signal from all channels. I've noticed a resistor is worn its way to reading like a plain piece of wire to ground on the outer 6l6 cathode to ground. I've taken the resistor out and still nothing once I measure it. The inner tube cathode resistor reads 149-151 or so, just fine(150 ohm 7w concrete resistor).
I'll have to wait till Monday for my electronics store to open. Could this be a solid assumption as to why I have such a weak signal? If not, what input do you guys have? If so, and since it has to be replaced regardless, what options for replacements are acceptable if I cant find a concrete resistor exactly at 150 ohm 7 watt? Would a carbon film, metal film, etc. do the trick?
Thanks comrades,
I just got done changing all the caps in the doghouse and the bias capacitor. I'm still getting a weak signal from all channels. I've noticed a resistor is worn its way to reading like a plain piece of wire to ground on the outer 6l6 cathode to ground. I've taken the resistor out and still nothing once I measure it. The inner tube cathode resistor reads 149-151 or so, just fine(150 ohm 7w concrete resistor).
I'll have to wait till Monday for my electronics store to open. Could this be a solid assumption as to why I have such a weak signal? If not, what input do you guys have? If so, and since it has to be replaced regardless, what options for replacements are acceptable if I cant find a concrete resistor exactly at 150 ohm 7 watt? Would a carbon film, metal film, etc. do the trick?
Thanks comrades,