I'm thinking about picking up a used 90s SVT CL (SLM, made in USA) for live and studio use. If I can pick it up for $800 or less (which I think is a good deal), I'll use the CL until I find a good deal on a 70s SVT.
I'm reading through all the SVT threads on here and I'd like to get your informed opinions on the general reliability of these (vs, say, a 70s SVT). My experience with amps is limited to working on my blackface Fenders and rebuilding a Hammond preamp and Leslie amp. I've never worked on a PCB before, or an amp this complex, so it might be awhile before I'm comfortable working on the SVT by myself; therefore I might have to take it to a tech to have it initially checked out.
I know there are a number of service bulletins--would a tech generally be aware of these, or would I have to print them out and show them to him?
Could you recommend me a tech in the metro Detroit area who does good work on these? (Or if any of you experienced members would like the job as well... I wouldn't mind driving to Lansing to see someone like Enzo, if you're taking on new work) Also, would it be considered rude to ask if I could watch the tech work, just for my educational purposes? (assuming he can look at the amp when I bring it in. Obviously I've never been to see a tech haha)
I'm reading through all the SVT threads on here and I'd like to get your informed opinions on the general reliability of these (vs, say, a 70s SVT). My experience with amps is limited to working on my blackface Fenders and rebuilding a Hammond preamp and Leslie amp. I've never worked on a PCB before, or an amp this complex, so it might be awhile before I'm comfortable working on the SVT by myself; therefore I might have to take it to a tech to have it initially checked out.
I know there are a number of service bulletins--would a tech generally be aware of these, or would I have to print them out and show them to him?
Could you recommend me a tech in the metro Detroit area who does good work on these? (Or if any of you experienced members would like the job as well... I wouldn't mind driving to Lansing to see someone like Enzo, if you're taking on new work) Also, would it be considered rude to ask if I could watch the tech work, just for my educational purposes? (assuming he can look at the amp when I bring it in. Obviously I've never been to see a tech haha)