Submitted for your amusement:
I have a Crate VC50 with a big black mass of burnt fried muck where 4 diodes and 2 100ohm resistors used to be!
This used to be the rectifier circuit for the 1st two preamp tubes.
The customer wrote on the tag that something happened while he was "experimenting"
So far I've removed the melted parts, scraped off all the fried bits of pc boardand cleaned all the mess up.
Luckily the pwr trans is still good. I'm gonna mount a bridge somewhere and all should be well.......
What the heck did this guy do with his "experimenting"?
possibly fried tube.
I have a Crate VC50 with a big black mass of burnt fried muck where 4 diodes and 2 100ohm resistors used to be!
This used to be the rectifier circuit for the 1st two preamp tubes.
The customer wrote on the tag that something happened while he was "experimenting"
So far I've removed the melted parts, scraped off all the fried bits of pc boardand cleaned all the mess up.
Luckily the pwr trans is still good. I'm gonna mount a bridge somewhere and all should be well.......
What the heck did this guy do with his "experimenting"?
possibly fried tube.