I've had (and get) terrific deals on Ebay, and really bad ones. Ebay is just the platform. We say 'bought off Ebay', but it's the seller we bought it off. I have thousands of genuine transistors bought from genuine sellers from around the world, but mainly Ukraine, Bulgaria and the US. I do sometimes get bitten, but usually because I didn't do my research into the seller.
A recent purchase from China was quite a surprise; I was looking for some chassis-mount US mains sockets and ordered three from China for less than $3US, including postage. They arrived in quite a large box. Opened it up an there was a load of bubble wrap. Inside the bubble wrap was a polystyrene foam block with a lid taped on. Each socket was located in a little hand-cut chamber that perfectly matched the socket, and they were much better quality than I'd expected. There was a little note to say if I wasn't happy they'd refund the price without question and I didn't need to return them. It made me think of the pride taken in packing those, and how little they cost. Someone wanted to make sure I got them undamaged.
A recent purchase from China was quite a surprise; I was looking for some chassis-mount US mains sockets and ordered three from China for less than $3US, including postage. They arrived in quite a large box. Opened it up an there was a load of bubble wrap. Inside the bubble wrap was a polystyrene foam block with a lid taped on. Each socket was located in a little hand-cut chamber that perfectly matched the socket, and they were much better quality than I'd expected. There was a little note to say if I wasn't happy they'd refund the price without question and I didn't need to return them. It made me think of the pride taken in packing those, and how little they cost. Someone wanted to make sure I got them undamaged.