Originally posted by pdf64
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What you're actually adjusting is how much voltage the signal from the PI has to push the grid to get that tube to turn on, not any particular conduction angle.
Consider what "Class A" means: neither tube turns off at any signal level. It is POSSIBLE to run PP tubes so that they never turn off but don't put out much plate voltage swing compared to the plate supply, either. If you have a PP output stage biased with each tube conducting at idle, but need 10V of peak signal before one of them turns off, then below 10V peak grid signal (and whatever that translates to on the plates' voltage swing), they are running Class A. That's by definition - neither one ever cuts off entirely. But then you never get to use most of the power supply's ability to supply power or the tubes' ability to manage that power. It's what I'd call a degenerate example. You can do it, easily, but why would you? This only makes sense if the plate DC supply is just a bit bigger than the voltage needed to make the tubes not quite be able to turn off. Any bigger power supply and you're wasting iron, copper, and money. Designs can be, but don't get done this way.
Class A only makes sense out at the edges, where you're swinging a big signal on the plates, as big as you can and not melt the tubes. The output power is low enough anyway.
If you have the same output stage, and the same bias point (that is, it takes 10V peak to turn a tube OFF; the ON tube will take care of itself), but raise the plate DC supply a little, then you can put in a signal bigger than 10V peak, and now one tube turns off on peaks, but the other tube keeps conducting. The conduction angle will be, say, 350 degrees for each tube. The DC plate supply can be bigger now, and you get a bit more power out.
If you raise the plate supply some more, and put in an even bigger grid signal, perhaps 20V peaks, then both tubes are on for all the time the signal is between +/-10V, but one or the other turns completely off when the signal is between 10V and 20V. Exactly what the conduction angle is varies with the signal level.
It's only when you max out the DC plate voltage and signal drive voltage that you get close to one tube conducting for 180 degrees and the other for 180 degrees. The limit of class B requires that the grid bias on both tubes be exactly enough to cut the tube off completely, minus a gnat's eyelash. When you get to there, you're independent of the DC supply level.
The class of operation is poorly defined by conduction angle. What all those old texts mean is things like "less than 180 degrees", "more than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees" WHEN THE SIGNAL ON THE PLATES IS SWINGING AS BIG AS IT CAN GIVEN THE DC POWER SUPPLY IT HAS TO WORK WITH.
It's a sloppy definition. It would be much easier to understand if instead it was defined as how you get it - the amount of overlapped conduction compared to the cutoff voltage for the tubes. That's what really matters. Unfortunately, that changes from tube to tube.
and as most designs push their power tubes to/beyond their limits, setting operation to a suitable idle plate dissipation may be the best solution in the real world.
Well, it may be. There may be some deep set of math involving plate swings with a set of assumptions on grid waveform and the relation of DC supply to peak waveform, etc. that gives this.
But in the real world, the plate supply can't be set that way. So some percentage of the maxim on the tubes is useful as a gross starting point, but not as something to be aspired to. It may even be a statistical truth, underlying a bigger set of variables than has been considered.
In the real world, biasing to some percent dissipation probably only means that you're statistically safe there, and that you probably won't run into gross crossover nor runaway tubes.