Originally posted by Leo_Gnardo
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But, I see that in the RCA handbook the 6GH8A is showing 200,000 ohms plate resistance verses 20,000 for the 6BM8 (listed for class A amplifier).
Not to mention the plate current is a wee bit higher on the 6BM8 too...
Which, actually the 6GH8A is cheaper in cost, so, that could be a good thing.
Long story short I think for a first timer at this like me I'd be best off sticking with tube closer in specs to the article or just simply use a 6GH8A (they're cheap enough).
The article above uses a 600 ohm input long tank, but I am hoping to use a 800 ohm input short tank, as I haven't yet found an 600 ohm short tank.
Still on a learning curve, but I think things are starting to come into focus.
I love learning/teaching/instruction so don't be afraid to chime in, please correct when needed, as I am for sure not the 'pro you know' on reverb/tank circuits.
There's a big difference between repair/service/mod and engineering, know what I mean - lol...