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Wharfdale PM700 SMPS intermittant turn on

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  • Wharfdale PM700 SMPS intermittant turn on

    I've picked up the wharfdale PM700 PA again in hopes of making it stable. Sometimes it will turn on and just play fine other times you have to pop the on/off switch several times to get it running.

    Monitoring the -+ 63 v rails and the 15v rails when it doesn't come on they produce on a few volts. The largest caps have been replaced. The little fan always comes on. I have this power supply schematic that utilizes the same smps controller chip and a lot of it looks very similiar to what I have.
    From what little my brain has gathered SMPS supplies need a kick start to get them oscillating to produce the voltage kinda of like a startrun capacitor on a AC motor. But not sure where I should be checking.
    Any helps would be greatly appreciated.

    Nosajwharfedale SVP-12PM.pdf
    soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!

  • #2
    If the voltage regulators are iffy not putting out a clean 15v would that cause the SMPS to be intermittant?

    soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


    • #3
      Just a folllow up on this Replaced the 7815 that would intermittantly put out on 5v with another one and it powers on every time now. It was also only putting out 12 watts . Phatt on SSguitar suggested removing Q1 and Q2 which is part of the muting circuit for the speaker thump. Now it's putting out around 250watts.

      soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!

