I have a B15 S which was running just fine after cleaning pots and resoldering some bad connections on the PCB. Buttoned up the chassis and the amp sat for a few weeks - just getting ready to send the amp on its way and I powered it up with an 8 ohm restive load and 1KHz input. The red pilot light came on and I took the amp out of standby but the output signal was very low/distorted. The pilot light for power flickered and went dead. The standby switch would still turn its pilot light on/off AND the tubes were not lighting up.
Took the amp apart
Pulled all the tubes and checked for open heaters but no tube issues found. Checked all traces on the PCB without issues. Un soldered heater wires from PCB and using a variac brought up the mains voltage. Plate voltage present but no heater voltage
I have a winding tester but it doesn't seen to work on heater windings even using a large 12V battery. So I'm not completely sure what's up with the heater windings on this amp's PT other than it just decided to die
I have a V4 that was given to me years ago. Is the PT close to the one used in the B 15S? Any ideas on testing the heater windings on the B 15S PT or what?
Took the amp apart
I have a V4 that was given to me years ago. Is the PT close to the one used in the B 15S? Any ideas on testing the heater windings on the B 15S PT or what?