I have a TC Electronics RH750 Bass amp that won't turn on. After opening it up I checked the power supply voltages that read 70VDC and -72 VDC. This using a variac and a light bulb limiter in line to the power cord. Problem is I can't find a schematic anywhere. There are 3 diagnostic LED's on the P/S board, 2 of which flash in sync with the light bulb limiter at about 2 flashes per second. The LED's are labeled 1) LD7 Mains Low, 2) LD1 protect, and 3) LD2 Amp enable. The first 2 are flashing. If I try to start this without the current limiter, the ampmeter on the variac pegs out with just a slight turn.
Can anyone give me pointers where to look for the likely problem?
Can anyone give me pointers where to look for the likely problem?