Arrrrg! Got a Hartke 1400 on my bench right now, causing me no end of headaches. Not very familiar with SS gear, and have never expereinced the following:
When you dime the tone settings and increase the volume to about 80%, the speaker starts to vibrate violently, creating a "BLAATTTT" until it's turned down. With a DC meter across the speaker terminals, DC offset is about 0, but when the speakers hits the threshold it goes up to about 1v.
The Strangest symptom is that when sending a signal from the preamp, it will cause speakers in the chained amplifier to vibrate too, BUT ONLY WHEN THERE IS A SPEAKER PLUGGED INTO THE HARTKE AS WELL. Additionally, when I reverse this and send a signal into the 'return' , there is no vibration.
So, the problem seems to be in the preamp section, but maybe is interacting with the output stages somehow?? NFB?? Educate me, baby.
When you dime the tone settings and increase the volume to about 80%, the speaker starts to vibrate violently, creating a "BLAATTTT" until it's turned down. With a DC meter across the speaker terminals, DC offset is about 0, but when the speakers hits the threshold it goes up to about 1v.
The Strangest symptom is that when sending a signal from the preamp, it will cause speakers in the chained amplifier to vibrate too, BUT ONLY WHEN THERE IS A SPEAKER PLUGGED INTO THE HARTKE AS WELL. Additionally, when I reverse this and send a signal into the 'return' , there is no vibration.
So, the problem seems to be in the preamp section, but maybe is interacting with the output stages somehow?? NFB?? Educate me, baby.
