I'm a bit over my head working on a Traynor YBA-1A. The B+ is running around 570V, so my screens are seeing around the 560 range.
I have popped several EL34s (most of my spares stash) and I can't really afford to keep "trying" out fixes.
The amp will work, and sounds great, but when it is pushed, either cranked up or with a pedal while it is cranked up, the fireworks begin...
As of now, it has 1K screen resistors on each tube, along with 5K swamp resistors.
I'm about to replace the tube sockets in case there is an arc I can't see, and I have been researching and going over possible solutions to knock off 100v or so, to allow for 500v rated screen tubes.
I have no experience with Mosfets, but have come across RG Keen's mosfet follies article, and was thinking of implementing the lasted one after the B+, before the Screen supply
I don't understand the resistor value selection and how/why I would need to change those. Also, I see similar but different circuits for VVR, and am wondering if this would be a better solution as the implementation is different, but according to my understanding of them both (based on googling) it appears they are a similar idea.
I've ordered several STP3NK90ZFP mosfets and also several 1N5378BRLG zeners, but realized I did not include the smaller protection zener, so I will be ordering that shortly and thought I would ask for some advice here - am I on the right track?
One last question - I repaired a different one of these amps for a buddy, fired it up and he has been gigging with it for 6 months in a loud band that uses pedals all the time, with no issue and running 425v screen rated tubes! I really would like to understand what is going on here - the voltages are similar.
I have popped several EL34s (most of my spares stash) and I can't really afford to keep "trying" out fixes.
The amp will work, and sounds great, but when it is pushed, either cranked up or with a pedal while it is cranked up, the fireworks begin...
As of now, it has 1K screen resistors on each tube, along with 5K swamp resistors.
I'm about to replace the tube sockets in case there is an arc I can't see, and I have been researching and going over possible solutions to knock off 100v or so, to allow for 500v rated screen tubes.
I have no experience with Mosfets, but have come across RG Keen's mosfet follies article, and was thinking of implementing the lasted one after the B+, before the Screen supply
I don't understand the resistor value selection and how/why I would need to change those. Also, I see similar but different circuits for VVR, and am wondering if this would be a better solution as the implementation is different, but according to my understanding of them both (based on googling) it appears they are a similar idea.
I've ordered several STP3NK90ZFP mosfets and also several 1N5378BRLG zeners, but realized I did not include the smaller protection zener, so I will be ordering that shortly and thought I would ask for some advice here - am I on the right track?
One last question - I repaired a different one of these amps for a buddy, fired it up and he has been gigging with it for 6 months in a loud band that uses pedals all the time, with no issue and running 425v screen rated tubes! I really would like to understand what is going on here - the voltages are similar.