The amp whines, squeals, or BBBBBBRRRRRRRRRR's once the volume level is up around 4 or 5 and the unwanted noises vary in pitch and intensity via the EQ pots and squeals very loudly when cranked.
Swapped out all tubes.
Disconnected tank.
dc voltages all appear to be normal.
On 2nd schematic here: (right click and rotate clockwise) it lists 29.5vac on each outside primary lead but I'm getting ~55vac on one side and ~3vac on the other, while dc plate voltage matches on those same lines at ~325vdc.
I'm kinda puzzled by the imbalance of ac while the dc is balanced fine. Does this sound like a failure of the OT? Where to go from here?
Thank you, as always, for looking.
Swapped out all tubes.
Disconnected tank.
dc voltages all appear to be normal.
On 2nd schematic here: (right click and rotate clockwise) it lists 29.5vac on each outside primary lead but I'm getting ~55vac on one side and ~3vac on the other, while dc plate voltage matches on those same lines at ~325vdc.
I'm kinda puzzled by the imbalance of ac while the dc is balanced fine. Does this sound like a failure of the OT? Where to go from here?
Thank you, as always, for looking.