Here's the symptoms: It's way quieter than it should be with a weird clipping distortion when I run signal through the input or in to the return jack. This happens on all 3 channels. If I run a signal into the preamp output (which also goes to the power amp, effectively bypassing the preamp entirely) I get great,clean audio. This tells me that the problem is isolated to the preamp.
Here's what I've done:
Checked all the ribbon cables (they're good)
Reflowed all the tube socket joints
Checked heater voltages (they're good)
Tested all the preamp tubes (they're good)
Tightened all the preamp tube sockets.
The amp still malfunctions exactly as before. I don't have a scope, just a meter. Posting here is my last-gasp try before I send it to my tech. I know it has to be something simple and cheap. There's not more than $10 worth of parts on any of the boards in that thing.
Here's what I've done:
Checked all the ribbon cables (they're good)
Reflowed all the tube socket joints
Checked heater voltages (they're good)
Tested all the preamp tubes (they're good)
Tightened all the preamp tube sockets.
The amp still malfunctions exactly as before. I don't have a scope, just a meter. Posting here is my last-gasp try before I send it to my tech. I know it has to be something simple and cheap. There's not more than $10 worth of parts on any of the boards in that thing.