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Peavey Ultra Plus - No Clean and switching issues

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  • #16
    The Master Volume shouldn't be affecting the Effects Return, should it? It looks to be feeding the grid of V3B before the Master Volume.
    Last edited by stereomonostereo; 03-17-2017, 09:06 PM.


    • #17
      Um, I don't see a master volume, I see two post controls. The FX loop is completely after the preamp.

      The post controls afect the signal level leaving the preamp, so they will also control the level going out the FX loop, if that is what you mean. And of course turning down the send will turn down what returns usually.

      Now do you mean the post controls the FX return level? In which case, plug a guitar into the FX return jack and find out. I bet it has no effect then.
      Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


      • #18
        This may be no help at all, but I thought I had a footswitch problem with my ultra 60-410 until I discovered that the front panel switch had to be activated too.

        From the manual;
        Channel selection may also be accomplished by the remote footswitch. If remote selection is desired, the Channel switch must be in the“in”(Ultra) position
        Vote like your future depends on it.


        • #19
          It's got independent volumes for each channel, and then a shared master. The effects return looks like it connects to the grid of V3B via connection J116 before the phase inverter, and the plate connects to the Master Volume. I don't recall ever seeing an amp where the effects loop return was tied into the Master Volume.


          • #20
            Some amps have the master after the FX return. It came up recently for me but I forget the model.

            Edit: the block diagram in the owners manual shows the master after the return.
            Originally posted by Enzo
            I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."

