After about 18 years sitting unused, I brought my Yamaha G50 back into the light and powered it up. After about an hour on the variac coming up to full mains voltage, I find that everything works. Except there is some tolerable noise.
My question is what is it supposed to sound like? Although I bought this amp new back in the 80s I can't remember whether it was dead quiet back then or if it had a little noise. I did notice when powering it up there was a brief period where I could hear some awful hum...but that went away with some more voltage.
My question is what is it supposed to sound like? Although I bought this amp new back in the 80s I can't remember whether it was dead quiet back then or if it had a little noise. I did notice when powering it up there was a brief period where I could hear some awful hum...but that went away with some more voltage.