Hi everybody,
I have a problem with a marshall jcm 100W combo.
A friend of mine gave me tha amp and said "try it", because he experienced a sudden decrease (and increase after some seconds) of output volume after a while he was playing (10/20 mins). I experienced the same problem after a while I was playing using the clean channel (spiltted to only 50W).
I think I'll take it simple first and I would like to replace the 2 pre-amp valves.
I have one JJ Tesla ECC83S and a Sovtek 12AX7 equivalent. I think they're OK.
What do you think?
P.S.: In what position V1 and V2 are looking to amp from back side?
I found shematic but not layout and I'm quite new to Marsall amp.
I have a problem with a marshall jcm 100W combo.
A friend of mine gave me tha amp and said "try it", because he experienced a sudden decrease (and increase after some seconds) of output volume after a while he was playing (10/20 mins). I experienced the same problem after a while I was playing using the clean channel (spiltted to only 50W).
I think I'll take it simple first and I would like to replace the 2 pre-amp valves.
I have one JJ Tesla ECC83S and a Sovtek 12AX7 equivalent. I think they're OK.
What do you think?
P.S.: In what position V1 and V2 are looking to amp from back side?
I found shematic but not layout and I'm quite new to Marsall amp.