For the second time in about a year I have had a new out of the box JJ GZ34 fail, and with the same symptoms. I just re-habbed a 66 Fender Pro Reverb that was inoperable and included a scary looking SS rectifier with the tube and socket removed. After rebuilding the tube rectifier and moving on to other issues I experienced the GZ34 to throw a big spark on power up every once in a while and blow the 2 amp breaker I had clipped in for testing. (cheaper than fuses). Since the rectifier tube doesn't produce any DC until it has the opportunity to heat up, I attribute this to the tube sparking internally. After replacing it with an old RCA , this problem has not since occurred.
Has anyone else experienced this type of hard failure with JJ GZ34's?
Has anyone else experienced this type of hard failure with JJ GZ34's?