I have a 68 Twin Reverb, AB763 circuit. The plate voltage is 460V. The target 70% max dissipation calls for about 45mA current per tube. When I turn up the bias trim pot I can get the current to about 30mA per tube (I'm using the OT shunt method so it's probably more like 32 mA which is what I calculated using the OT resistance method). After that turning up the pot further does not change the reading and I eventually reach the physical limit of the pot. The negative voltage coming from the pot is around -47V and around -45V at the grids. This too does not change once you reach a certain point in the pot adjustment/current draw. Could this possibly have anything to do with bias cap having been changed from 50uF to 100uF? It seems to be a pretty common mod, although I don't know the benefit it is supposed to provide. Could it be one of the 220K resistors between the pot and grids? This seems unlikely as each of the two resistors is specific to one pair of tubes and I'm seeing the same thing on both sides. Or the tubes themselves? All 4 tubes are vintage RCA and seem to be working well otherwise. Any insight appreciated, thanks.
- Bob
- Bob