I'm 99% sure this a Sorado circuit in a chassis with Sonaro printed on it. The tubes, voltages and component values are the same as the Sorado schematic. I would assume this thing should be very clean and loud with a guitar. Mine is not very loud and is very distorted with a guitar. With a bass the E string is pretty loud and strong but as the notes get higher the sound gets weaker. See my previous thread [Sunn Sonaro weak output] for some background. Can someone look at the attached waveform and schematic. The peaks on the ends of the wave form start to occur at about 7 on the volume control and are worse if the treble is turned up. This waveform is off pin 2 of the 6an8. The signal on pin 8 looks clean. The input is a 600hz 100 milivolt peak to peak signal from a function generator. I have the amp plugged into a variac set at 117vac and the voltages on all the tube pins are very close to the shcematic. Could this be the coupling caps or should I be looking somewhere else 1st.