I've got this Peavey stereo chorus that ive been asked to look at. It came to me making a horrible 100hz hum that I quickly found to be broken solder joints on the filter capacitors. Then I moved onto another issue regarding the switching.
The issue with the switching was that it would not switch out of clean. at this point I had not connected the foot switch as it had a burn mark on the bottom. the switching issue was due to a bad Q1 that hold the switch contact low without a foot switch connected. I've now opened up the foot switch and the wiring was a mess and all burnt up so I assume that 15v as been sent to Q1 and that's what fried it.
Now I'm using a know good foot switch until I can get round to rewiring the old one but another problem as shown up that with the foot switch connected turns out to be the chorus but only with the lead or crunch selected. Without the foot switch the chorus cant be completely disabled so without it the lead and crunch are useless.
Whats happening is that with lead or crunch selected and chorus turned off they function correctly but with chorus on even with the lead and crunch turned completely down there is a rather loud distorted sound (while playing guitar) still from the speaker. this when you turn the lead or crunch channel up becomes ear shattering and sounds awful.
Now Im wondering if this could also be a issue caused by the faulty FS or if its something completely different. The fact the amp works correctly even with chorus in clean is confusing. Im not exactly up to speed as how the chorus is being mixed in to the channels and the schematic is a little confusing to me so if anyone as any pointers they are very much welcome as this as got me a little beat at the moment.
Thanks kris
The issue with the switching was that it would not switch out of clean. at this point I had not connected the foot switch as it had a burn mark on the bottom. the switching issue was due to a bad Q1 that hold the switch contact low without a foot switch connected. I've now opened up the foot switch and the wiring was a mess and all burnt up so I assume that 15v as been sent to Q1 and that's what fried it.
Now I'm using a know good foot switch until I can get round to rewiring the old one but another problem as shown up that with the foot switch connected turns out to be the chorus but only with the lead or crunch selected. Without the foot switch the chorus cant be completely disabled so without it the lead and crunch are useless.
Whats happening is that with lead or crunch selected and chorus turned off they function correctly but with chorus on even with the lead and crunch turned completely down there is a rather loud distorted sound (while playing guitar) still from the speaker. this when you turn the lead or crunch channel up becomes ear shattering and sounds awful.
Now Im wondering if this could also be a issue caused by the faulty FS or if its something completely different. The fact the amp works correctly even with chorus in clean is confusing. Im not exactly up to speed as how the chorus is being mixed in to the channels and the schematic is a little confusing to me so if anyone as any pointers they are very much welcome as this as got me a little beat at the moment.
Thanks kris