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Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
What kind of amp is that ? Peavey can send you the exact replacements if you call their part's dept for the same amount you can buy them at Mouser for and maybe less and they will ship them free. I think the ECG number is 234 and they are a TO-92 package.
aww perfect, i think Mark has it correct. The amp is just a 2-channel rack-mount guit amp. the 2N5630 crosses to an NTE60 which i already have a few of!
That is an old RCA type, though PV may still have some.
I highly recommend using the same part. If you cannot find another 67376, then replace BOTH the transistors on that polarity with something. I would likely grab a couple MJ15003 for this.
Please, why use NTE? They won't match the existing parts, and they cost three times more or worse. The problem when mixing power semis in something like this is that they won't share current well. Even if the overall specs are the same, the RCA and Motorola power transistors were constructed different inside. They won't track the same thermally, or in other ways. This can result in the oddball part either hogging all the current, or not doing much work at all. Either way, either the hog burns out trying to do it all, or the others next to it do because it was loafing.
All the soldiers in a row should be the same. The ones on the positive side can be different from the ones on the negative however. So if there is one bad 67376 on each side, move the two remaining good ones to one polarity, and put the new parts on the other.
I buy my MJ series power xstrs from Allied. The MJ15003 costs $3.61 each.
What part you use here is not critical. The 2N5630 is a 16 amp, 120v, 200 watt part. Most anything similar will do fine. The 15003 is a 20 amp, 140v, 250 watt part. Just keep the parts that are side by side of the same type as each other.
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