I'm trying to figure out what is a safe input voltage range for my old Telequipment S51b tube oscilloscope. Manual for it is here: https://www.hobbielektronika.hu/foru....php?id=118371 From a simplistic standpoint I would assume that since it has a 50/v division setting I should be able to go full screen at that setting which would be 400V.
I am more used to solid-state scopes that give a max voltage on the front plate or in a manual but I don't see one. Also, because of the age, am wondering if the DC blocking cap may fail in AC mode if I go too high in voltage even if it is within the range that the scope was designed for.
Thanks for any input,
I am more used to solid-state scopes that give a max voltage on the front plate or in a manual but I don't see one. Also, because of the age, am wondering if the DC blocking cap may fail in AC mode if I go too high in voltage even if it is within the range that the scope was designed for.
Thanks for any input,